We are pleased to share another CRE Dedicated Rider for the month of January: Micah
“Hi there! I’m Micah, I’ve been in Montana since 2014 and split my time between my home here and in South Africa. I started riding with CRE spring of 23 and in the fall we moved our horses Smarty and Katy to CRE to board. I know some of you have been lucky enough to ride Katy, she’s a 27 y/o push button horse and still has a lot of go. Smarty is the sweetest boy who doesn’t always know the right thing to do but he sure does try his best.
Over the summer I was signed up for a few clinics and needed a horse that wasn’t so mothered up so I leased Squintz. We had the best summer of 2024 running barrels, roping and moving cattle and exploring new trails. I spent a lot of time in the arena working on softening my cues, balancing on the bridge, and a responsive stop and back up. I think Squintz loves the barrel pattern, he surprised me during our last run with a flying lead change and when I put down the reins and let him go where he wants he’ll walk the patten, even when there aren’t barrels set up!
He has the best little personality, he’s a do-it-all kind of horse, so sweet and gentle. I’ve grown very attached to him. I hope that when I’m back from South Africa in the spring I can spend more time with him and my goal is to enter the weekly barrel race at the fair grounds in Bozeman, Squintz isn’t the fastest lil guy but what he lacks in speed he makes up for in spunk and I know we’d have a lot of fun together.”
- Micah