Every year we offer a unique opportunity for sponsorships of CRE. This allows us to offset some of the cost that keeps our youth lesson costs to a minimum and it also
allows us to continue offering sponsorships to students that otherwise wouldn't be able to attend as well to take top quality care of our horses. CRE owns a large horse
herd which allows us to have many horses available for all levels and disciplines for riders that are not able to have their own horse.
• Name on Summer end buckles that are given to the top wranglers, interns, stable hands, etc. as well as everything in the Palomino package.
• Year long banner hung on the fence in one of the arenas
• Year long company name on website and social media
• Company name on t-shirts
• Year long company name on website and social media
• Company name on t-shirts
• Company name on t-shirts
• Company name posted in association with an event